Honing Your Skills | Tarot Tuesday

This week I have drawn a single card for the upcoming week. Citrine, a stone of manifestation and clarity, was used for the setting and energy contribution in this reading.


Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles dons a spider working away on her web. She works tirelessly day and night to weave a web worth living in, surviving in, and fighting for. She recognizes that what she puts into her work, that energy will come back ten-fold. Her web is built from her experiences, skills that she has learned, tears she has shed, and laughs she has bellowed. This is her home.

This card asks us to hone our personal skills and to utilize our unique craftsmanship. Building your life web (whether it be your home, business, or spiritual path) is a really daunting and important task. Only you know how to successfully build your web. Shortcuts and  outsourcing are not viable options, for your web will not stand the test of time.

Now is the time to be creative. Draw on your own experiences, trials, and tribulations, to weave your web. Be patient, hard-worker, for this task takes time. In the end, all your efforts will pay off.

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